Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Day 10

  • Vitamin C tablet, 1000mg.
  • Mineral tablet

  • 3 x 20 second stretches
  • 400 jelqs 
  • 3 x 20 second stretches

Still a touch sore today, but the soreness got better rather than worse over the course of the, ahem, routine. I'll work back up to six hundred per session by the end of the week.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Day 9

  • Vitamin C tablet, 1000mg.
  • Mineral tablet

  • 3 x 20 second stretches
  • 200 jelqs 

I was feeling a bit sore today, so I cut down the number of repetitions by two thirds. No sense in doing myself an injury, right?

I've been doing a little bit of what you might loosely refer to as 'further reading' on the Internet into what I'm doing and, well, the sub-cultures are as varied as they are odd. I'm tempted to churn out a couple of articles (I'm not a journalist) to anyone who might be interested.

Monday, 28 June 2010

Day 8

  • Vitamin C tablet, 1000mg.
  • Mineral tablet

  • 3 x 20 second stretches
  • 400 Jelqs**
  • 3 x 20 second stretches
  • 200 Jelqs**
  • 3 x 10 shakes*

** I threw in a bit of a stretch every hundred jelqs or so.
* Exactly as it sounds, shaking downward as if trying to get water off.

Well, it's the second week now. I'm feeling optimistic. There's certainly been no ground-breaking changes in my physique, but I think overall, the experience has been positive. I'm very curious to see what the situation will be in one, two, six months time.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Day 7

  • Vitamin C tablet, 1000mg.
  • Mineral tablet

  • 3 x 20 second stretches
  • 200 Jelqs**
  • 3 x 20 second stretches
  • 200 Jelqs**

** I threw in a bit of a stretch every hundred jelqs or so.


I'll be honest with you, it all seems to be moving at a snails pace, but then what was I expecting? I've generally only had positive experiences so far and perhaps some growth there too. I was considering updating this blog weekly, but I'm a bit worried that if I don't have this self set target I may end up just losing interest.

I shouldn't be surprised, but I've found a rather large sub-culture on the Internet about this very subject and technique, along with a whole bunch of other techniques to boot. People seem quite friendly. There seems to be two (make that three) groups of people. Those with lower than average size who wish to get a little confidence and those who're already either pretty big, or average and want to be able to fuck a battleship.  Fair play to both of 'em, I guess.  I do wonder what exactly is going on when someone writes a thread asking, "Is six inches in girth thick?"

I mean, if you're packing a coke can between your legs and you're searching for PE routines as well as validation from peers, perhaps the whole thing is one big (yes, yes, or little) farce.

Oh, as for the third group, women. I suppose they like having a natter about cocks, too.

Friday, 25 June 2010

Day 6

  • Vitamin C tablet, 1000mg.
  • Mineral tablet

  • 3 x 20 second stretches
  • 400 Jelqs**
  • 3 x 10 shakes*
*exactly as it sounds, grab it at the base and shake down, like you were trying to get some water off it, don't go mental with it. Each shake is one rep.
** I threw in a bit of a stretch every hundred jelqs or so.


As you can see, I've got into a bit of a routine. I plan to move up in repetitions each week with a view to getting to around 1000. I'll never convince anyone that this is a chore, because I'm essentially playing with myself, but I can't really afford to spend too long on this.

Nothing bad has happened thus far, a mild ache and that's about it. General flaccid size seems larger as mentioned before, won't measure the other stuff until 30 days has been hit.  

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Day 5

  • Vitamin C tablet, 1000mg.
  • Mineral tablet

  • 3 x 20 second stretches
  • 400 Jelqs**
  • 3 x 10 shakes*
*exactly as it sounds, grab it at the base and shake down, like you were trying to get some water off it, don't go mental with it. Each shake is one rep.
** I threw in a bit of a stretch every hundred jelqs or so.


I came clean in the end to the SO about what this blog was about and why I was doing it. She seemed to understand (after skimming over it briefly) and said she'd actually noticed a difference in my... physique. This could all be psychological, but I think I have as well. It's probably very subtle, but I'll know for sure when I take a measurement in a months time.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Day 4

  • Vitamin C tablet, 1000mg.
  • Mineral tablet

  • 3 x 20 second stretches
  • 400 Jelqs**
  • 3 x 10 shakes*
*exactly as it sounds, grab it at the base and shake down, like you were trying to get some water off it, don't go mental with it. Each shake is one rep.
** I threw in a bit of a stretch every fifty jelqs or so.

Observation of a sort:

I hope England beat Slovenia in the group stages. 

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Day 3

  • Vitamin C tablet, 1000mg.
  • Mineral tablet

  • 3 x 20 second stretches
  • 250 Jelqs**
  • 3 x 10 shakes*
  • 250 Jelqs

*exactly as it sounds, grab it at the base and shake down, like you were trying to get some water off it, don't go mental with it. Each shake is one rep.
** I threw in a bit of a stretch every fifty jelqs or so.

Observations of a sort:

I'm starting to wonder if a daily update to this blog is entirely necessary. I'm also starting to feel a little bit self conscious about the whole thing. For instance, was it necessary to post actual sizes up, instead of just putting in gains? At the time I thought so, simply because I've read this technique is of greater benefit for people with below average sizes. That means I could've just put in I was aver----nevermind, what's done is done.

Another problem I've come across is promoting the blog. I understand that not much is going on here at the moment and perhaps my findings (if any) will be more popular in the future, when there are actually some findings to quote. Also, I desperately don't want to look like a con, or product site. I'm not promoting anything (except perhaps the fitness book, integral to the story) and although I wouldn't say no to money, the purpose of this is not financial. If it was, I'd be starving and homeless. Even if I discover this is the holy grail, it's going to be difficult to get people to take me seriously over the cacophony of other sites that will offer you everything you ever wanted, for a small one-time fee.

So how do I rise above all the trash that's out there? I hope there's no need to rise above it, because I'm not in competition with them.  That having been said, if I didn't care if people were interested in my experiment, I would've just kept a personal log on notepad or something.

There's more, of course. I mentioned in passing that I'd be doing this blog to the SO, but I dressed it up as a bit of self improvement in terms of sexual stamina. That's not an outright lie, but a lie of omission. I worry that she'd interpret the whole thing as a lack of confidence and we all know that isn't sexy. 

Oh and...

As an addition, in reference to my first post saying I was an idiot, here's a website on safety tips. Don't buy into the rest of the stuff (unless you want to) I don't endorse it, but it seems like sound advice. Check out this place.

Day 2

  • Vitamin C tablet, 1000mg.
  • Mineral tablet

  • 3 x 20 second stretches
  • 400 Jelqs
  • 3 x 10 shakes*
*exactly as it sounds, grab it at the base and shake down, like you were trying to get some water off it, don't go mental with it. Each shake is one rep.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Day 1

  • Vitamin C tablet, 1000mg.
  • Mineral tablet
  • 10g Creatine Mono-hydrate
  • 25g Fortified Whey Protein

  • 3 x 20 second stretches
  • 200 Jelqs
  • 3 x 10 shakes*
*exactly as it sounds, grab it at the base and shake down, like you were trying to get some water off it, don't go mental with it. Each shake is one rep.


I've noticed a few changes already. Bear in mind I've been messing around with these exercises for about a week now, although I've only just started the blog; given the time scales necessary this shouldn't really make a difference. Having said that, I've already noticed a generally increased flaccid size immediately after the jelqing and throughout the day. Also it seems a bit more vascular in appearance. I've decided to do quite a few for six days a week, then only a token few on Sunday, as to rest. No pain so far, only a slight ache. It's similar to the kind of ache you get after a long run... if you had dicks for legs or something.

 As for some tips.

  • I do it in a very hot shower and direct the water onto your bits for about a minute while you stretch.
  • Don't use soap unless its ph neutral kind to skin stuff.
  • Moisturise after, if you have that kind of thing lying around.

Measure up?

I’ll keep a daily log on what exercises I do and any supplements I take that day, plus an occasional look at my BMI. In conjunction with the numbers, I’ll also give some anecdote on how I feel, changes in appearance, etc. Every thirty days or so, I'll post up new measurements, if indeed anything changes.

Initial Dimensions* 
Length: 15.8cm (6.2in)
Girth: 12.7cm (5.0in)

I'm not sure if I really want to be throwing up pictures of my dick, but we'll see. I may take a "before" shot and in a few months, who knows.

*putting these numbers down doesn't feel right, but being shameless is more fun

Get Hung or Die Trying?

I’d like to point out at this point that I’m a sceptic and also an idiot. Let me explain; if this really worked, why aren’t we hearing more about it? I’ve got a theory to that and I assume it’s because the length of time required to make a visibly significant difference is considerable, not many people notice results. But assume it’s a little like general fitness, with a view to modifying the shape of your body, there are no short cuts. It just takes time and persistence. There's also the possibility that some peoples bodies just don't respond to this type of stimulation, individual difference, etc.

I don’t remember which, but I read a compelling article on one of these Jelqing sites which referred to milk cows, specifically those that are milked manually. The technique is very similar and over time, manually milked cows have larger, longer teats. This change is permanent. The theory is that this gradual massaging and tugging breaks down the collagen bonds which then heal at their elongated length. I tried reading up on collagen on Wikipedia and it’s pretty complicated to a layman in the subject. One thing I did take away from it was that collagen formation (used in healing) requires several nutrients, of which vitamin C was important. It might be worth supplementing this if you don’t consume much citrus fruit or fortified food in your diet.

As for the idiot part, well I’ve been having a practice on these techniques for about a week before I’m writing this article. My first or second attempt was, a little vigorous and although I felt no serious pain, I did notice some mild bruising the following day. This is not worth it; at no point should I or anyone else adopt a “get hung or die trying” philosophy. 

He is Britain's most violent prisoner.

The fateful conversation happened around the time I was reading a new book at the time called Solitary Fitness by Charles Bronson, an infamous British criminal who's served long past his sentence for very bad behaviour behind bars. This includes all kinds of assault, hostage taking, rioting, etc. Despite the fact he's not pleasant and quite dangerous, I get the impression that he seems genuine and it can't be denied that he's reached an awesome standard of fitness despite being locked in a six by six cage for most of his life. It's essentially a bodyweight exercise book, but there's areas that cover diet, mental attitude and to my surprise, penis exercises.

In the book there are various things do to, such as pelvic floor exercises (known as kegels, I believe) as well as one that involves you waggling a tee shirt up and down as it hangs off your knob. One of the techniques he refers to is called Jelqing. If you have never heard of this, you should check out How to Jelq** as it pretty much covers all of it, including a little theory on the mechanics of the technique. Now, If either of the two incidences occurred alone (the chat, or the book) I probably wouldn't have thought any more of it. As they happened together, well, here I am.

**Alternatively buy the book, it’s cheap and there’s a link to it at the bottom of this page, Amazon style.

Self Justification.

Now I've never really been overly concerned with my size. There was a point in my late teens where I got a bit obsessive, but mostly I think this was because I was a bit chubby and lost an inch or so to the flab. Just like most guys (I hope) I've been curious about where I land in the pecking order (excuse the pun) and for the most part I decided I was mister average. My best evidence for this was the fact condoms fit me just fine, nice and snug. Therefore I was somewhere in the middle of the bell curve. I really wanted to write bell-end curve there. Please don't hate me.

But I mean we all get this way at some point about some thing, right? With women its breast enlargement and/or reduction, vaginoplasty, for both genders all kinds of surgeries to achieve a desirable body. I'm not even remotely prepared or financially endowed (I'll stop the puns now, promise) to go under the knife. More to the point I can and do have a good time in bed, so it's not for practical reasons, just for bragging rights. I also understand that you don't need to be swingin' past your knees to please a partner.

A journey of a thousand miles has to start with a single step.

You're probably reading this for the same reason I'm writing it; you're curious about penis enlargement. There's quite a bit the Internet in relation to this; snake oil, placebo pills and over priced contraptions that look like gothic torture equipment to highlight a few.
Before we start, a little about myself. I'm male (obviously) in their mid to late twenties and I live in the United Kingdom. I'm about six foot three and have a BMI of 22.9.

Wait a second, I've not even told you why I'm doing this blog. Okay, okay. It all started relatively recently when on a drunken camping trip, I had discussion with my significant other about previous partners and what they're like. This is the kind of conversation you can only have when on drink and/or drugs, because any sane and sober person would realise no good can come from it. This is how it went;

Me: "So like, what's the biggest dick you've had?"
Her: "Oh it was (insert name here)."
Me: "So like, bigger than me?"
Her: "Uhm, yeah..." (I presume she didn't mean me as a whole person)
Me: "Bigger than that toy?"
Her: (Nods slowly, with expression to suggest *much* bigger)
Me: "Fucking hell..."

For the record the toy is 16cm (6.0in) long and about 14cm (5.5in) around. It's kinda thick.