Monday, 9 August 2010


So I believe I've been making progress, that's good, but I wanted to put it to the test.  I've mentioned before that I've had no problem in the bedroom and for the most part that's true, but recently little things have been putting me off my game. A problem with the ambience, the threat of being discovered, little things like this are proving a distraction enough for my partner that I lose some wood----now not enough to stop me from performing, but enough that to bother me.

As a treat I picked up some Viagra clone under a weird different name. I knew the source and---while not a pharmacist---I trusted it.  I took 200mg (a double dose) and waited. This was no secret, I'd told my partner already. We were both very tired, but it'd been nearly a week since we'd last had sex.  The distractions happened again but it didn't matter this time, the slightest stimulation gave me an absolutely raging hard on.

In a nutshell, we had probably the roughest sex in terms of sheer pelvic thrusting that I can remember. It was fantastic; despite assuring me she very much enjoyed it, she did get a touch hurt (nothing serious) and that took a bit of the fun away, I don't like hurting the person I love, physically or mentally.

I've never really had to worry about hurting my partner in that way before and I have done the whole viagra for a treat thing previously. I can only assume things are changing. Truth be told, if the price I have to pay for hand moulding my cock into something bigger than it was involves gentler sex, I can totally live with that.

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