Things are going to plan so far; although I have to take this opportunity to apologise to anyone who's been following this routine with me, "Sorry I keep changing it." But this is pretty frontier stuff for me and I set out knowing very little and now I know a lot less. The penis is such a complex organ (I wish I hadn't been on Wikipedia and checked out all those anatomical drawings). A part of me feels bad for subjecting my organ (and that's what it is) to such barbaric rituals in the hope it'll get bigger.
I did, however, do some measurements. It's difficult for me to maintain a rock solid erection when I'm scrabbling around with a tape measure, so I took to pressing it against my belly, making a mark and then measuring from root upward. Now the good news, I measured in at 6.9-7.0 inches. There's been no girth gains, circumference sticking at 5in uniformly from root to tip, but when sufficiently aroused, it's a very, very firm five inches.
Too good to be true? As you can imagine, I'm very pleased, but part of me realises something (and it isn't the part you think it is). If it were this easy to gain so much in a month or so, why aren't we all doing it? I imagine there has been some actual gains, perhaps 0.2in at the most, but the majority will have come from my greatly increased erection quality and the little bit of weight I lost recently.
I'll also add that, when at full erection I seem to be sporting a very mild left deviation. This isn't something I've noticed in all my twenty something years so I imagine it's to do with the stretching. It bothers me a little, so learn from my mild mistake, an symmetrical grip is important for all exercises (unless of course you want to correct a deviation you were born with).
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